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031_Bernadette School Extension

A complex and large program, and a constrained plot.
These two basic premises defined the overall organization of the proposal. Using the existing slope we placed the sports court and adjacent spaces  half-buried, providing a 7m clear height, and direct connection to the playground level. Above them, in-between the trusses, classrooms and seminars interspersed with courtyards for light and ventilation.
The result was a compact and seamless volume, with a carved out roof, wrapped up tightly with a range of corrugated materials (aluminum, plexiglass in different finishes, and cast-in-place corrugated concrete).
A continuous image without edges, a soft nature in contact with the final users: children.

Marcos Parga_PO2 Arquitectos / Year: 2007 / Location: Aravaca. Madrid, Spain / Program: Educational / Type: Invited Competition. 1st Prize / Status: Built / Client: Bernadette School / Size: 2.606m2 / Budget: 2.855.798 euros / Photography: Miguel de Guzman_ImagenSubliminal

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